A fifth of adults wrongly believe Alzheimer’s and dementia are the same things, according to research.
Other confusions include it being inevitable with age, only affecting older adults and that prevention is possible.
Just over a third (34 percent) always attribute memory loss to the condition while 21 percent think Alzheimer’s and dementia are different names for the same thing.
And a further 14 percent claim people living with dementia can’t lead a meaningful life.
The research was commissioned by a nationwide care home provider and dementia experts, Care UK.
Aiming to debunk these myths and provide vital support to families whose loved ones have been diagnosed with the condition, the brand has released a first-of-its-kind guide to help those affected to navigate the dementia journey [careuk.com/one-step-at-a-time].
‘Dementia’ is an umbrella term used for a number of conditions – rather than a specific one – that share common symptoms including remembering, thinking, and decision-making which often disrupts everyday activities.
While Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia that begins with mild memory loss and progressively leads to loss of the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to the surrounding environment.
Suzanne Mumford, head of nursing, care, and dementia services at Care UK, said: “There are plenty of misconceptions when it comes to dementia and what this means for the person living with it and their family.
“Often, they come from reading something online or word-of-mouth rather than experts or trusted sources.
“In reality, dementia is a condition that can be managed to ensure those who live with it can continue to lead fulfilling, meaningful lives and can be supported to still do the things they love – and that’s why we’ve launched our ‘one step at a time’ video guide.
“Featuring tips from our experts, but also testimonies of residents’ families, it is designed to help people navigate through the dementia journey – from dealing with the initial diagnosis to learning how to live well with dementia while also incorporating advice aimed at carers to help them look after themselves.”
Just over a third (34 percent) don’t know very much about dementia or have much experience with it.
As it emerges, 67 percent admit they should know more about the condition than they currently do – while 68 percent feel that the public, in general, should know more.
Despite this, 72 percent haven’t ever made a conscious effort to learn more about the diagnosis and 23 percent claim they are unfamiliar with its symptoms.
Nearly a fifth (21 percent) don’t know memory loss is associated with dementia and a further 32 percent are unaware confusion is also a key sign.
The internet is where 47 percent would first go if they had questions about the illness while 34 percent would seek medical advice.
When asked if any of their loved ones have ever been recognized with the condition, 36 percent said yes, with 91 percent agreeing it was one of the hardest things they’ve ever gone through.
Seeing them become a different person, watching them lose their sense of self, and having to be patient were cited as the most challenging aspects of providing care.
Almost two-thirds (62 percent) of those polled via One PollOnePoll are afraid of developing dementia when they get older, with more than one in 10 (11 percent) starting to worry about this in their 20s.
But 32 percent say they have an ‘it won’t happen to me’ attitude and, despite people’s perceptions, 43 percent believe living with dementia isn’t always as doom and gloom as it first seems.
Suzanne Mumford added: “There are so many ways people can live active and fulfilling lives after being diagnosed with the condition, and we find that most people don’t know just how impactful the small changes can be – from diet adjustment to physical and mental exercise.
“With this guide, we hope to provide knowledge and relieve some of the pressures people face after one of their loved ones is diagnosed with the condition.”
Alzheimer’s Society ambassador, Angela Rippon, who is partnering with Care UK to launch the guide, said: “I understand the feeling that families experience when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia as it’s a difficult time and easy to feel powerless and alone.
“There are numerous common misconceptions about dementia, and while it may be difficult to receive a diagnosis, it’s important to remember that it can also be the start of a new journey.
“I believe that raising awareness about the symptoms of dementia and what it’s like to live with the condition is incredibly important.
“I’d like to encourage everyone to explore Care UK’s video guide, so we can all work together to make our society more dementia friendly.”
- Dementia always includes memory loss
- If someone in my family is living with dementia I am likely to develop it as well
- People living with dementia can’t lead a meaningful life
- Dementia can be prevented
- Dementia only affects people in their 60s or above.
Produced in association with SWNS Talker